Why we got started...and how From the Garden and Chewy Boom came to be.

Why we got started...and how From the Garden and Chewy Boom came to be.

About 2 year ago I had a moment of revelation-  While following my daughter around a cosmetic store so she could show me all the newest stuff she wanted to buy. I looked around and it was full of mom's like me- with daughters all about the same age 8-12- filling their baskets with anti-aging products, moisturizers filled with chemicals and sprays made with hormone disrupting fragrances.  It dawned on me.... there's a whole new demographic the big name cosmetic companies are marketing to our little girls! These young girls are bombarded with ads from influencers cashing in and convincing them that their perfectly beautiful skin isn't good enough without a multi-step routine.  As I'm reading the ingredients (half of which I can't even pronounce)
I started explaining to her what each chemical was for. I started reading to her the side effects of some. I explained what happens in her little body with each product. Every product we decided together not to buy. As we left the store- buying nothing, I know that shopping trip didn't end the way she expected it to. The concept that cosmetic companies are slowly hurting your body just to make money is a hard one to comprehend for young minds. It wasn't an easy change,  she still sees the ads and feels a little twinge to buy the newest products.
 Then one day she said to me- why can't we make our own skincare products? I started researching to find clean organic ingredients that are actually good for your skin. She and I had the best time mixing, creating, and testing out all our favorite recipes and products. And so "From the Garden" and "Chewy Boom" were born. My daughter and I work together in all aspects of the business down to the tiniest details. She and I research ingredients, create each new recipes, mix every small batch and package each product.
What started out as a mom just wanting to keep her daughter away from cheap chemical skin care has turned into a mother daughter partnership to create healthy, nourishing skin care thats perfect for mother's and daughters everywhere. 
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